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Bringing together the latest news, research and insights about investment trusts from the AIC and other organisations. (Got a question? Contact us.)
State (of) capital
5 February 2025
With the pandemic excess having faded, what are the prospects for growth capital?
A new Jerusalem.
22 January 2025
Dividend increases and share buybacks are good news for UK equities according to our analysts - who think those dark Satanic mills could delivery world-beating returns.
Are commodities hot or not?
12 December 2024
We ask what AI and green energy mean for investments in commodities.

Stormy waters for investment trusts: Navigating the crisis

European Opportunities to offer additional 25% tender

Henderson International Income to merge with JPMorgan Global Growth & Income
BlackRock American Income Trust Plc - Transaction in Own Shares
07/02/2025 - 18:20
BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc - Transaction in Own Shares
07/02/2025 - 17:50
The future of investing
In an interview with ITN Business, Richard Stone explains how investment companies can power portfolios and energise capital markets.
To watch the programme in full, visit the ITN Business Hub.
Getting started
If you're new to investment companies (investment trusts), find out what they're all about here.
Saving for your children’s future?
Find out how to invest for your child with investment companies and why they offer good long-term performance.
Investing for growth
Find out what growth investing is and how it could help you achieve your long-term financial goals.
Recorded 1 November 2022.
An introduction to ESG
What is ESG and how does it relate to investment companies?
What are investment companies?
Find out more about investment companies (investment trusts) and their benefits compared to other types of fund.
Learn more
Read our guide to investment trusts and find out how they could support your financial goals.
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