How to vote
Make your voice heard as an investment trust shareholder. Find out how to vote through your platform.
Compare platform costs
Each investment platform has its own fees and charges, which can be difficult to compare. Our comparison tables are designed to help.
How to invest in an investment company
Once you've decided what investment company you want to invest in, what happens next? Watch this animation to find out how to put your money to work.
Recorded November 2020.
Your investment company: having your say
As an investment company shareholder, you can make your voice heard. Find out how.
Get involved with your investment company
As a shareholder in an investment company, you have a say on how that company is run. Find out how to use your vote when you hold your investment company shares on a platform.
Attend an AGM
How do you go about attending an AGM when you hold investment company shares on a platform?
Upcoming meetings
View a list of upcoming AGMs, special meetings and investor presentations for each investment company, and find out how to attend in person or online.