Creating a free account with us has several benefits. Have a look at the account types below and decide which best describes your circumstances or relationship with the AIC.Â
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You don't have to create an account to access most of our content, but if you do, you'll be able to create and track virtual portfolios, customise data reports to suit your needs and configure personalised email alerts.
An adviser account is for financial advisers, wealth managers and other investment professionals. It gives you access to our adviser training (including the Investment Company Accreditation, offering up to three hours CPD) as well as guides, articles and event listings for professionals only.
A member account is for the directors of AIC member companies, company secretaries and members’ professional advisers such as auditors, brokers and solicitors.
Within the member centre you can access AIC guidance on tax, accounting, company law and regulation. You will also find updates on key industry issues and the work of the AIC, as well as information about AIC events, including conferences, dinners and director roundtables.
Please note that we review registrations for member accounts and we may contact you to verify your details.