To seek investments in securities that the Investment Manager believes can generate a 15% IRR over the medium to long-term, principally through capital appreciation, and typically expects a holding period of at least three to five years
Management group
Launch date
United Kingdom
Fund manager
Richard Staveley
Dividend frequency
Wind-up provisions
The Company has an unlimited life.
Market Cap (m) Total assets (m) Price (last close) NAV Discount / premium (%) Gearing (%) Dividend yield (%) Dividend dates Ongoing charge (%)
100.09 99.16 264.00 261.90 0.80 0 0.29 Jun, Dec 1.58 (31/03/2024)


Dividends declared in last 12 months

Ex-dividend date Payment date Dividend amount Special dividend Financial year
08/08/2024 02/09/2024 0.600 No 2024

Performance (%)

Return type 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Rockwood Strategic Share price total return 30.5 77.5 139.6 279.5
UK Smaller Companies AIC sector Share price total return 8.5 -9.3 2.3 91.3
Morningstar UK Small Cap * Total return 8.9 -1.6 3.9 48.4

* The Morningstar market index is not necessarily the official benchmark of the investment trust, but it has been identified as an appropriate comparative index. Please hover over the definition for further detail on the index construction.

Share structure

Number of shares

Traded volumes (number of shares)

  Yesterday 1 month 1 year 5 years
Total 147,316 2,800,712 24,024,775 81,946,336
Average N/A 120,280 95,063 65,013

Traded values (m)

  Yesterday 1 month 1 year 5 years
Total 0.39 7.46 61.63 147.80
Average N/A 0.32 0.24 0.12

Trading details

ISIN TIDM Traded currency Stock exchange
GB00BRRD5L66 RKW GBX London Stock Exchange - MAIN

Morningstar logo Data provided by Morningstar.

FE fundinfo logo Company documents provided by FE fundinfo.