To provide shareholders with an attractive level of total return. The focus will be capital growth whilst also providing a growing level of income by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of UK properties that are leased or intended to be leased to tenants operating in the life science sector.
Launch date
United Kingdom
Fund manager
Stephen Barrow, Simon Farnsworth, Pippa Stacey, Simon Hope, David Lewis, Matthew Barker, Ian Harris
Dividend frequency
Wind-up provisions
An ordinary resolution for the continuation of the Company as a real estate investment company will be proposed at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held following the seventh anniversary of Admission and at every seventh annual general meeting of the Company thereafter. If the resolution is not passed, then the Directors will consult with Shareholders and will put forward proposals for the reconstruction or reorganisation of the Company to Shareholders for their approval within six months following the date on which the resolution is not passed.
Market Cap (m) Total assets (m) Price (last close) NAV Discount / premium (%) Gearing (%) Dividend yield (%) Dividend dates Ongoing charge (%)
126.70 376.97 36.20 76.65 -52.77 37 5.52 Jun, Dec 1.7 (31/12/2023)



Dividends declared in last 12 months

Ex-dividend date Payment date Dividend amount Special dividend Financial year
03/10/2024 31/10/2024 1.000 No 2024
04/04/2024 13/05/2024 1.000 No 2023

Performance (%)

Return type 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Life Science REIT Share price total return -35.9 -61.4 N/A N/A
Property - UK Commercial AIC sector Share price total return 2.1 -27.6 -15.2 37.5

Share structure

Number of shares

Traded volumes (number of shares)

  Yesterday 1 month 1 year 5 years
Total 526,234 17,802,703 254,999,012 0
Average N/A 786,084 1,004,850 0

Traded values (m)

  Yesterday 1 month 1 year 5 years
Total 0.19 6.09 97.08 0
Average N/A 0.27 0.38 0

Trading details

ISIN TIDM Traded currency Stock exchange
GB00BP5X4Q29 LABS GBX London Stock Exchange - MAIN
Chi-x Europe Limited
London Stock Exchange

Top holdings

Data as at : 30/06/2024

Investment % of total assets
OTP-Investments 23.5
Rolling Stock Yard 21.9
Cambourne 19.9
7-11 Herbrand Street 17.9
OTP- Developments 14.8
The Merrifield Centre 1.9

Morningstar logo Data provided by Morningstar.

FE fundinfo logo Company documents provided by FE fundinfo.