Unlisted holdings
% of total assets |
N/R |
Portfolio yield
% |
N/R |
Please note that the above fields are displayed for companies that have reported this data to the AIC. “N/R” means the data has not been reported to the AIC. Where data is reported, it may be subject to valuation lags.
Top holdings
Data as at : 30/06/2024
Investment | % of total assets |
Hornsea 1 | 19.0 |
Humber Gateway | 11.0 |
Walney | 8.0 |
Clyde | 8.0 |
Stronelairg | 6.0 |
Burbo Bank Extension | 4.0 |
Corriegarth | 4.0 |
Brockaghboy | 3.0 |
Dunmaglass | 3.0 |
Tom nan Clach | 2.0 |
Data provided by Morningstar.
Company documents provided by FE fundinfo.