
Ongoing charge plus performance fee (%)
Ongoing charge date
Management agreement
Management fee at: 1.30% of net assets, levied on the first USD 1000m of net assets; 1.00% of net assets, levied on net assets between USD 1,000m and USD 1,500 m; 0.75% of net assets, levied on net assets between USD 1,500 m and USD 2,000 m; and 0.50% of net assets, levied on net assets above USD 2,000m.
Performance fee
Performance fee rate
Performance fee details
The incentive fee is 12.5% of any increase in NAV above an 8% p.a. hurdle rate, with the cap on incentive fees paid out in any year at 1.5% of weighted average of month-end net assets. Excess fees are still carried forward, but can be clawed back if NAV declines after the year end. The Investment manager must use 25% of any incentive fee paid to buy VOF shares via open market purchases, subject to a minimum holding period.

A measure, expressed as a percentage of NAV, of the regular, recurring costs of running an investment company.

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