Unlisted holdings

Data as at : 29/02/2024

% of total assets

Please note that the percentage of unlisted holdings is displayed for companies that have reported this data to the AIC. “N/R” means the data has not been reported to the AIC. Where data is reported, it may be subject to valuation lags.

Top holdings

Data as at : 30/09/2023

Investment % of total assets
Silver Point Capital Offshore Fund, Ltd 6.3
Helikon Long Short Equity Fund ICAV 6.0
Millstreet Credit Offshore Fund, Ltd 6.0
Contrarian Emerging Markets Offshore Fund, Ltd 5.3
Eicos Fund S.A. SICAV-RAIF 4.2
Praesidium Strategic Software Opportunities Offshore Fund, LP 4.2
Keel Capital S.A., SICAV-SIF – Longhorn Fund 4.2
Perseverance DXF Value Feeder Fund, Ltd. 4.1
KL Event Driven UCITS Fund 4.1
CastleKnight Offshore Fund Ltd 4.0

Geographic breakdown

Data as at : 29/02/2024

Country % of total assets
Cayman Islands 43.7
USA 18.2
UK 15.3
Luxembourg 8.6
Ireland 4.0
Netherlands 2.5
Canada 1.7
Germany 1.0

Depending on the nature of the underlying asset classes, geographic breakdowns may not always add up to 100%.

Industry breakdown

Data as at : 31/03/2023

Industry % of total assets
Cash Equivalents 23.6

Asset breakdown

Data as at : 31/03/2023

Asset % of total assets
Other 54.3
Stock 22.1
Cash/Cash equivalents 23.6

Detailed asset breakdown

Data as at : 31/03/2023

Asset % of total assets
Other 54.3
Cash 23.6
Other - stock 19.9
UK - Small core/growth stock 2.2

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FE fundinfo logo Company documents provided by FE fundinfo.