
Ongoing charge plus performance fee (%)
Ongoing charge date
Management agreement
Annual management fee of (i) 1.50% p.a. of the average audited NAV of LMS, to the extent that NAV of LMS under management are GBP 100m or less; (ii) 1.25% p.a. of the average audited NAV of LMS to the extent that the NAV exceeds GBP 100m, but is less than GBP 150m; and (iii) 1.00% p.a. of the average audited NAV of LMS to the extent that the NAV exceeds GBP150m. A performance fee of 15% of the gain in NAV of New Investments is payable if the cumulative compound growth in the NAV of the New Investments at the time of measurement represents at least 8% p.a. Contract terminable on notice period of 12 months.
Performance fee
Performance fee rate
Performance fee details
A performance fee of 15% of the gain in NAV of New Investments is payable if the cumulative compound growth in the NAV of the New Investments at the time of measurement represents at least 8% p.a.

A measure, expressed as a percentage of NAV, of the regular, recurring costs of running an investment company.

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