
Ongoing charge plus performance fee (%)
Ongoing charge date
This company is a fund of funds.
Management agreement
The Investment Manager does not directly charge HVPE management fees or performance fees other than with respect to parallel investments. However, as an investor in the HarbourVest funds, HVPE is charged the same management fees and is subject to the same performance allocations as other investors in such HarbourVest funds. For the years ended 31 January 2022 and 2021, management fees on the HVPE Charlotte Co-Investment L.P. investment were calculated based on a weighted average effective annual rate of 0.89% on capital originally committed (0.87% and 0.88%, respectively, on committed capital net of management fee offsets) to the parallel investment.
Performance fee

A measure, expressed as a percentage of NAV, of the regular, recurring costs of running an investment company.

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