ESG Policy

Policy as at:


Our Investment Manager, Edinburgh Partners, recognises that corporate stewardship issues and their management can have a significant impact upon company earnings and long-term valuations; therefore consideration of these issues is an integral part of their investment process. Edinburgh Partners supports the principles contained within the Stewardship Code and have submitted their Stewardship Report to the FRC for review.

Standards and Codes

Edinburgh Partners, recognise that the responsibility for stewardship does not stop at its front door and that it must also work to promote external ESG-related frameworks, compacts, and regulations that match their goal of serving clients sustainably. To this end, Edinburgh Partners is a signatory of the UN’s Principles of Responsible Investing (UNPRI). Edinburgh Partners also endorses the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) Global Stewardship Principles and aim to be signatories to the Stewardship Code in the United Kingdom.


Edinburgh Partners, take their stewardship responsibility to their clients and the global community extremely seriously and acknowledge the increasingly complex nature of this responsibility. As such, to achieve the stated aim of providing sustainable, long-term return for clients, not only do they consider financial and economic factors affecting the companies in which they invest, but also all relevant environmental, social, and governance factors. This fully rounded picture of the current and future environment in which their investee companies operate is vital in the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of our holdings. Edinburgh Partners also strive to conduct informed, constructive engagement with companies and other market participants in order to protect and advance the best interests of their clients.  

Investment process

ESG issues affect the value, future opportunity set, and market reputation of all our investee companies as well as impacting the systemic risk framework in which these companies operate. For this reason, ESG considerations have always been integral to the analysis undertaken by Edinburgh Partners. As with all their efforts, it is important to adapt to changing conditions and seek continuous improvement. Edinburgh Partners will continue to evolve their investment process as new knowledge and areas of focus push the ESG landscape forward.  Edinburgh Partners also recognise their responsibility to use their influence to promote better, more sustainable working practices at the companies we own – not only to strive for more stable capital markets but also for the betterment of the world we all share.