
Ongoing charge plus performance fee (%)
Ongoing charge date
Management agreement
Investment Manager is entitled to a management fee together with reimbursement of reasonable charges or expenses incurred by it in the performance of its duties. The investment management fee is calculated as 1/12th of 1% of the market capitalisation and payable on a monthly basis in arrears. The Investment Management Agreement is for a minimum term of three years and is terminable by either the company or the Investment Manager giving the other not less than 6 months’ written notice, such notice not to expire prior to the expiry of the three-year minimum term. The Investment Manager has agreed that, for so long as it remains as the investment manager, it will rebate such part of any management fee payable to it so as to help the company maintain an ongoing charges ratio of 2% or lower. No performance fee is payable to the Investment Manager.
Performance fee

A measure, expressed as a percentage of NAV, of the regular, recurring costs of running an investment company.

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