ESG Policy

Policy as at:


The Apax Global Alpha (“AGA”) Board believes that approaching investing responsibly is important in protecting and creating long-term value. The Board relies upon the Responsible Investment policy and practices of Apax Partners LLP (“Apax”), the Investment Advisor, to ensure it delivers returns ethically and responsibly.

Apax is a voluntary signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investing (“PRI”) and has implemented processes to adhere to those principles. Apax believes that a focus on sustainable investing can lower risk and enhance financial returns for the Funds it advises, while creating a net benefit to society.

From a practical perspective, the ability to assess and influence corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) matters in portfolio investments differs between Private Equity Investments and Derived Investments. This is because Private Equity Investments are characterised by longer hold periods and, often, controlling stakes, whereas Derived Investments tend to be held for a shorter time and usually involve non-controlling positions. Whilst this can limit any influence on CSR initiatives within Derived Investments, Apax remains focused on CSR issues and consider these as part of the overall investment thesis.