
Ongoing charge plus performance fee (%)
Ongoing charge date
Management agreement
The fee for the period under review was a fixed fee of GBP 4.09m plus an ad valorem fee of 0.20% pa based on the NAV on the last day of March, June, September and December, payable quarterly in advance. Performance fee will be charged at 15% of outperformance of benchmark plus 1% hurdle.
Performance fee
Performance fee rate
Performance fee details
A performance fee is payable if the Groups total return is greater than that of the Funds benchmark plus a hurdle of 1% over the accounting period. The fee is calculated at 15% of any such differences in total return figures, but is capped at 1.5% of the adjusted NAV. If, in any period, the Funds total investment return underperforms its benchmark, the maximum performance fee payable will be limited to 1% of the adjusted NAV.

A measure, expressed as a percentage of NAV, of the regular, recurring costs of running an investment company.

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