Meet the manager: Laura Foll

Manager of Law Debenture, Lowland Investment Company and Henderson Opportunities Trust.

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If you weren’t a fund manager, what job would you do?

For a long time when I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor, although I’m pretty squeamish so I’m not sure that was entirely well thought through.

What was the proudest moment of your career?

Becoming the joint fund manager of the three investment trusts that I manage. That always feels like a moment of endorsement from the board, and a big responsibility to take on. 

“Relax a little, travel more. I could probably still do with that advice to be honest.”

Laura Foll, Manager of Law Debenture, Lowland Investment Company and Henderson Opportunities Trust

Laura Foll headshot

What was the most difficult moment of your career and why?

The most difficult period was the immediate aftermath of Brexit. In hindsight I’d been complacent about the outcome and the valuation put on the more domestic part of the UK equity market is yet to recover. It didn’t help that the day the result was announced was the day I got back from honeymoon, which led to a rather depressing (unscheduled) trip to the office.

What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

Relax a little, travel more. I could probably still do with that advice to be honest.

Away from the workplace, how do you spend your time?

I have two small children so most of my ‘free’ time is spent ferrying them around. The closest thing I have to a hobby (is coffee a hobby?) is running, but don’t take this to mean I’m running marathons, because I’m not.

Tell us about the last book you read or the last podcast you listened to?

The book I’m reading right now is what I’d describe as a trashy murder mystery (no judgement please). One I’ve read recently that I’d recommend would be Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. It sounds a little odd but it’s a take on David Copperfield, set in the US opioid crisis.

Where was the last place you went on holiday and why?

The New Forest – it’s so peaceful, and the kids love seeing the horses. It gets bonus points for not having to go through an airport with small children.

In your personal life, what would you like to achieve in the next 12 months?

More full nights of sleep, more dinners out.