There are all sorts of reasons you might want a regular income from your investments. Maybe it’s to pay the gas bill, splash out on luxuries and treats, or to supplement your income as you think about retirement. Frankly, it’s none of our business.
But if you are an investor who’s interested in regular income, investment trusts (also called investment companies) could be worth considering.
Why? Many investment trusts have long track records of paying out consistent income, year after year. Our dividend heroes have raised their dividends (that’s the word for income paid out by an investment trust) for at least 20 years in a row, some of them for more than 50 years. That means their investors haven’t had a pay cut since the 1969 Moon landings.
The income from investment trusts isn’t guaranteed. It may go down as well as up, or not be paid at all. However, thousands of experienced private investors choose investment trusts for their income needs. Find out why below.
How investment companies can meet your income needs
Investment companies have important advantages for income-seeking investors. Watch this animation to find out more.
Recorded June 2019.
Investment company dividend heroes
Find out more about the AIC dividend heroes, the investment companies that have successfully increased their dividend each year for at least 20 years, and the secret behind their success.
Recorded June 2019.
Expert views: investment companies for income
Financial advisers discuss the benefits of investment companies when it comes to paying income.
Recorded October 2019
“Ten of our dividend heroes have raised their payouts to investors through the high inflation of the 1970s, the 1990s recession and the global financial crisis in 2008. These are track records to be proud of.”
Annabel Brodie-Smith, Communications Director of the AIC
Meet the dividend heroes
Find out more about the investment trusts with 20-year track records of increasing dividends.
Income finder
Research income-paying investment trusts, and build a virtual income portfolio before you invest real money.
News and insights
See all our latest income-themed news and videos. Expert views, manager interviews, highest-yielding trusts and more.