Detailed platform costs

Find out about the different fees and charges you'll pay for buying, selling and holding investment companies on various platforms.


The table below shows you what you’ll pay to buy, sell or hold investment companies on different platforms. There are different types of charge:

  • Core charges. You pay these for using the platform, even if you make no trades. Typically, these will either be based on a percentage of your assets on the platform, or a flat fee.
  • Pension charges. You will pay these in addition to the core charges if the account you hold on the platform is a pension (SIPP).
  • Ad hoc investment company transactions. These are the charges you will pay for buying or selling (“trading”) investment company shares on the platform. The more you trade, the more you pay.
  • Regular investing charge. Some platforms offer heavily discounted trading charges if you set up a regular monthly purchase. But be aware: the investment companies you are allowed to buy at these discounted rates may be limited. For example, some platforms' monthly trading plans only cover investment companies in the FTSE 350.
  • Automatic dividend reinvestment fee. Some platforms allow you to reinvest your dividends automatically rather than take the income and offer discounted trading charges for this. Others do not offer this service (indicated by “N/A”).

Where parts of the table are left blank, this indicates the platform in question does not offer the relevant service, or does not offer investment companies.


PlatformCore chargesPensionAd hoc investment company transactionsRegular investing chargeAutomatic dividend reinvestment feeWebsite
AJ Bell0.25% platform charge for non-fund investment (capped at £42pa for general investment account/ISA and £120pa for pension).No additional charge£5 a deal reducing to £3.50 if there were 10 or more deals in the previous month.£1.50£1.50AICbinoculars
Aviva Consumer Platform

0.4%, capped at £45pa for ISA and £120pa for pension

No additional charge


No discount




Value : Charge (pa)

Up to £200k: 0.25%   
£200k+ : 0.05%

£31.25 + VAT per quarter (=£150 p.a).£6.00Free£0AICbinoculars

Value : Charge (pa)

Up to £250k : 0.40%   
£250k - £500k : 0.20%   
£500k - £1m : 0.1%   
£1m+ : 0.00%

SIPP minimum administration fee of £120£4.95FreeFreeAICbinoculars
Charles Stanley DirectThere is a charge of 0.35% for investment company investment with a minimum of £24 and maximum of £240 per year. This is waived if you trade in the month. £120 annual fee applies, which is waived if you hold a total portfolio (across all investment and wrapper types) of £30,000 or more.£11.50No discountN/AAICbinoculars
Close Brothers A.M. Self Directed Service

Value : Charge (pa)

Up to £500k : 0.25%   
£500k - £1m : 0.20%   
£1m - £1.5m : 0.10%   
£1.5m+ : 0.00%

£180 annual service charge£8.95No discountN/AAICbinoculars
Fidelity Personal InvestingThere is no fee for holding investment companies in a general investment account. For holding investment companies within an ISA or SIPP, there is a "service fee" of 0.35% capped at £90 (£7.50 a month) if you have a regular savings plan. If you do not have a regular savings plan, you will pay a flat fee of £90 (£7.50 a month).No additional charge£7.50£1.50£1.50AICbinoculars
FreetradeBasic access to Freetrade is free and allows trading in a restricted list of investment companies. Freetrade Standard service costs £5.99 a month and includes access to a Freetrade ISA as well as trading in Freetrade's full range of investment companies. Plus tier is £11.99 a month. If paid annually charges for Standard and Plus services are £4.99 and £9.99 a month respectively.Freetrade Plus service includes access to SIPP and ISA, and costs £11.99 a month (£9.99 a month if paying annually).£0£0N/AAICbinoculars
Halifax Share Dealing£36 per year charge for ISA or share dealing account.

Value : Charge (pa)

Up to £50k : £90   
£50k+ : £180

£9.50Free2% (max £9.50)AICbinoculars
Hargreaves Lansdown0.45% pa for investment companies (capped at £45 for ISA and £200 for SIPP with no charge for general investment account.)   No additional charge£11.95 a trade reducing to £8.95 if there were 10-19 trades in the previous month, reducing further to £5.95 if there were more than 20 trades.Free if direct debit set upFreeAICbinoculars
iDealing20p per security per month No additional charge£4.99 No discountN/AAICbinoculars
IG£96 per year, charged if you hold shares and/or ISA investments at the end of each quarter. Free if 3+ trades in the quarter.£210 a year (provided by Options UK)£8.00 per trade reducing to £3.00 if 3+ trades were placed in the previous month.No discountN/AAICbinoculars
Interactive Investor

Investor Essentials plan - £4.99 a month (available for pots under £50,000)

Investor plan - £11.99 a month with one free trade per month

Super Investor plan - £19.99 a month with two free trades per month

Pension Essentials £5.99pm (up to £50k in a SIPP) - add ISA or trading account for £4pm

Pension Builder £12.99pm

+ £5pm to add SIPP to Investor Essentials plan    
+ £10pm to add a SIPP to Investor or Super Investor plan

£3.99 across all plansFree99pAICbinoculars
iWeb£100 one-off account opening fee for ISA and dealing account (free until 31 Dec 2024)

Value : Charge (pa)

Up to £50k : £90   
£50k+ : £180

£5.00No discount2% (max £5)AICbinoculars
Santander AICbinoculars
shareDeal active

Trading account carries no fee.

£60 pa ISA fee applies.

£118.80 pa fee applies although this will be refunded in the first year.£9.50No discountN/AAICbinoculars
Willis Owen

Value : Charge (pa)

Up to £50k : 0.40%   
£50k - £100k : 0.30%   
£100k - £250k : 0.20%   
£250k+ : 0.15%

Value : Charge (pa)

Up to £100k : 0.40%   
£100k - £250k : 0.25%   
£250k+ : 0.15%

SIPP plans are subject to a different core platform fee

£7.50No discountN/AAICbinoculars
X-O£0£118.80 pa fee applies. This will be refunded in the first year only£5.95No discountN/AAICbinoculars

Source: AIC/the lang cat (last update 30/09/2024)


Costs at a glance

Find out how much it costs to buy, sell and hold investment companies on different platforms.


How to invest on a platform

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