The table below shows you what you’ll pay to buy, sell or hold investment companies on different platforms. There are different types of charge:
- Core charges. You pay these for using the platform, even if you make no trades. Typically, these will either be based on a percentage of your assets on the platform, or a flat fee.
- Pension charges. You will pay these in addition to the core charges if the account you hold on the platform is a pension (SIPP).
- Ad hoc investment company transactions. These are the charges you will pay for buying or selling (“trading”) investment company shares on the platform. The more you trade, the more you pay.
- Regular investing charge. Some platforms offer heavily discounted trading charges if you set up a regular monthly purchase. But be aware: the investment companies you are allowed to buy at these discounted rates may be limited. For example, some platforms' monthly trading plans only cover investment companies in the FTSE 350.
- Automatic dividend reinvestment fee. Some platforms allow you to reinvest your dividends automatically rather than take the income and offer discounted trading charges for this. Others do not offer this service (indicated by “N/A”).
Where parts of the table are left blank, this indicates the platform in question does not offer the relevant service, or does not offer investment companies.
Source: AIC/the lang cat (last update 30/09/2024)

Costs at a glance
Find out how much it costs to buy, sell and hold investment companies on different platforms.

How to invest on a platform
Find out which platforms offer investment companies, and which allow you to invest via an ISA or SIPP.