Which types of companies are you investing in now and why?

Richard Moore, Co-Head of Investments at Calculus Capital which manages Calculus VCT, said: We target growth companies - technology, healthcare and entertainment." Stuart Veale, Manager of the ProVen VCTs and Ewan MacKinnon, Investment Partner at Maven Capital Partners which manages the Maven VCTs, explain which types of companies they are investing in and why.

Why has there been strong demand for VCTs?

VCT managers: Stuart Veale, Manager of the ProVen VCTs, Ewan MacKinnon, Investment Partner at Maven Capital Partners which manages the Maven VCTs, and Richard Moore, Co-Head of Investments at Calculus Capital which manages Calculus VCT, discuss why there has been strong demand for VCTs.

Investment Trust Edge | January 2023

We examine the prospects for the Schroder UK Real Estate Investment Trust, ask whatever happened to the small cap effect and finish with a look at private equity: should ...