Alliance Trust: The nine fund managers we use to beat markets

Craig Baker of Willis Towers Watson tells Gavin Lumsden about the panel of external fund managers his team have chosen for Alliance Trust.

Craig Baker, global chief investment officer at Willis Towers Watson, runs through the external fund managers his team have chosen for Alliance Trust (ATST ).

This is the second video excerpt from our virtual event with Alliance Trust last week. If that whets your appetite, you can watch the whole ‘Big Broadcast’ here.

Can’t watch now? Read the transcript

Craig Baker:

This is what the manager lineup looks like today. Interestingly, this hasn’t changed over the last 12 months, but there has been a little bit of change over the full six-year period. Three of the original managers have come out from the original lineup of eight managers at that particular point in time. We’ve got nine managers here. The eagle-eyed amongst you will recognise that GQG have got two slugs in the pie chart there. That’s because they run two portfolios. So, all of the nine managers run one of these 20-stock, go anywhere portfolios, GQG also run a specialist emerging market equity portfolio as well. Other than that, each of the managers run one of these go-anywhere best ideas 20-stock portfolios. Worth noting that these are not all names that will be known in the retail space.

Part of that is because we’re finding managers from all across the globe that wouldn’t necessarily be in UK retail. So, we just take the top two as an example. On the right-hand side you’ve got Black Creek, who are an organisation based in Toronto in Canada and on the left-hand side, Vulcan Value are based in Birmingham, but not Birmingham in the UK, that’s Birmingham in Alabama. So, there’s just examples of managers that you wouldn’t necessarily think of day-to-day, but for us, they fit very nicely into an overall portfolio.

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