
Meet the manager: Job Curtis

Portfolio Manager of City of London Investment Trust.


Upfront investment or regular savings?

David Prosser examines which approach delivers better returns over time.


Still waiting for the private equity recovery

David Prosser on the Chancellor’s push to get pensions investing in private companies.


Taking the fight to inflation

David Prosser goes in search of inflation-busting income and capital growth.


Size isn’t everything

Smaller investment companies can be just the ticket for private investors, argues David Prosser.


Meet the manager: Andrew Bell

Chief Executive Officer, Witan Investment Trust.


Invesco Select Trust plc: stock spotlight on Broadcom, investing for a chatbot world

Stephen Anness, Head of Global Equities and manager of Invesco Select Trust plc Global Equity Income Share Portfolio, discusses the AI revolution risks and opportunities it might present.


Bigging up Japan

David Prosser considers whether UK investors could benefit from more exposure to the world’s third largest economy.


Putting their money where their mouth is

Directors’ personal stakes in investment companies show their interests are aligned with shareholders, argues David Prosser.


Go woke, not broke

Greater diversity on investment company boards is good for shareholders, writes David Prosser.