Morning session

Chris hollowood

10:15 – 10:45 | Returning to health?

Chris Hollowood of Syncona on why he is optimistic about quality healthcare firms despite a challenging period for the sector.

Joe Bauernfreund

10:50 – 11:20 | Opportunities in Japanese smaller companies

Joe Bauernfreund of AVI Japan Opportunity Trust examines the prospects for Japanese smaller companies after the central bank raised interest rates for the first time in 17 years.


Showcase global

11:25 – 12:05 | Go anywhere portfolios

Panel session

Global investment trusts offer access to investment opportunities all over the world. This panel brings together managers of global trusts to discuss where they are seeing the best opportunities, and how they are trying to achieve diversification at the same time as delivering attractive returns. 

Craig Baker, Alliance Witan
Simon Barnard, Smithson Investment Trust 
Jamie Ross, Bankers Investment Trust 

Annabel Brodie-Smith, AIC (moderator)

Afternoon session

Jasmine Yeo

13:50 – 14:20 | Diversification in a world of higher inflation

Jasmine Yeo of Ruffer Investment Company on the trust’s flexible investment approach and the promising prospects for her portfolio.

sree - cropped

14:25 – 14:55 | Eastern promise

Sree Agarwal of Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies explains why the future looks bright for dynamic smaller companies in the Asia Pacific. 


income - Showcase 23

15:00 – 15:40 | Dedicated to dividends

Panel session

Investment trusts have various income advantages, including the ability to reserve income to pay it out in a future year. The managers of the trusts on this panel are highly focused on delivering reliable dividends from portfolios of UK and global equities. They explain their strategies for maintaining and growing income over time while protecting shareholders’ capital. 

Faizan Baig, Henderson International Income Trust
Ian Lance. Temple Bar Investment Trust
Thomas Moore, abrdn Equity Income Trust

Moira O'Neill, Journalist (moderator)