
Kepler Trust Intelligence

20 November 2023

Kepler Trust Intelligence: New Research

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F&C Investment Trust

F&C Investment Trust aims to deliver long term growth of capital to shareholders by investing a diversified portfolio of listed equities and private equity. Fund manager, Paul Niven, speaks to the recent performance of the trust and the key contributors to that performance over the past 12 months. Paul highlights two key holdings in the portfolio, and gives his thoughts on the possibility of a 'soft landing' in the US.

F&C Investment Trust - July 2022 update

In the face of market turmoil this year, F&C Investment Trust have reduced gearing through sales in those areas most under pressure and rotated into names which offer more defensive qualities given the economic backdrop. Below, fund manager, Paul Niven, gives Doceo an update on the fund’s positioning and performance, and highlights why AstraZeneca and Ryanair are two key holdings for the portfolio.

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