Prospectus changes to benefit investment company capital raising

The AIC responds to ‘Consultation on the new Public Offers and Admissions to Trading Regulations regime (POATRs).’

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The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) has responded to today’s ‘Consultation on the new Public Offers and Admissions to Trading Regulations regime (POATRs)’ (CP24/12).

“This is a victory for common sense and will help the UK capital markets get back on their feet again.”

Richard Stone, Chief Executive of the Association of Investment Companies (AIC),

Richard Stone headshot

Richard Stone, Chief Executive of the Association of Investment Companies (AIC), said: “This is a victory for common sense and will help the UK capital markets get back on their feet again. The proposed changes will empower investment companies to raise capital more easily, removing the cost and burden of producing a prospectus where the company’s shares are already traded. We have been arguing for years that the obligation to issue a prospectus for existing companies is an obstacle to growth and particularly punitive for small issuers – while adding nothing of value to investors.”

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Notes to editors

  1. The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) represents a broad range of investment trusts and VCTs, collectively known as investment companies. The AIC’s vision is for closed-ended investment companies to be understood and considered by every investor. The AIC has 329 members and the industry has total assets of approximately £277 billion.
  2. For more information about the AIC and investment trusts, visit the AIC’s website.
  3. Disclaimer: The information contained in this press release does not constitute investment advice or personal recommendation and it is not an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity. You should seek independent financial and, if appropriate, legal advice as to the suitability of any investment decision. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.  The value of investment company shares, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise.  You may not get back the full amount invested and, in some cases, nothing at all.
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