Director talk: Stephanie Eastment

Stephanie is on the board of four investment trusts.

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In the boardroom

How would you explain your role to somebody who was new to investment trusts?

It’s a fascinating and exciting world: a public company investing to build peoples’ wealth – something all boards are focused on (and a long time before Consumer Duty). We hold the manager to account – yes – but we are also there to support the manager and to think outside the box to get the best result.

What’s the number one skill you bring to the board?

As an accountant and company secretary, my skill set naturally covers audit and risk. However, I believe my number one skill is my experience and knowledge gained from ‘sitting on the other side of the fence’ for 22 years. It’s taking that knowledge and experience into new situations that is so exciting. 

“We hold the manager to account – yes – but we are also there to support the manager and to think outside the box to get the best result."

Stephanie Eastment

Stephanie Eastman

What is the proudest moment of your career?

Becoming a NED. Murray Income Trust was my first board role. The board looked beyond what I had done in my executive career, and to what I could do and offer. Hopefully, I have lived up to what they wanted!

What’s the most challenging part of your job as a trust director?

Those parts you cannot control (usually linked to what the wider market is doing) and trying to engage with the private investor.

What advice would you offer to new directors?

The obvious is don’t be afraid to ask questions. Less obvious: recognise that the people at the management company are key to the trust’s operations, and this extends beyond the fund manager. Take time to get to know them. Also make sure you have a good company secretary, especially if you are chair of anything. They are invaluable.

Away from work

Of all the places you have visited on your travels, which comes top of the list and why?

Cambodia. Lovely people, lovely country. Amazing sights and culture.

What are you terrible at?

Typing. Always get my lettres [sic] mixed up.

What is a hidden talent that few people know you have?

Archery. Growing and preserving homegrown produce e.g. chutneys, jams, pasta sauces and blackberry wine.

What do you do for fun?

Gardening, travelling abroad and motorcycling in the UK – in fair weather!

What food couldn’t you live without?

Chocolate. From the fridge – much better when cold.

Stephanie is on the board of Murray Income Trust, Herald Investment Trust, Impax Environmental Markets and Alternative Income REIT. She spent 22 years at Invesco Asset Management, where she served as head of company secretariat and accounts for specialist funds.